NumPy Geometry

Working with geometry using numpy.

Maintained by Dan-Patterson

Geo array helpers

Properties and methods

Info info geo_info structure

There are several levels of information that can be acquired for Geo arrays.

The most basic is attached as an info property to the array itself. This property is proper case Info.


A fuller description can be derived using the lowercase info property. The following is returned.
Extents :
  LL [ 300000.00  5000000.00]
  UR [ 300012.00  5000015.00]
Shapes :     7
Parts  :    10
Points :    55
Sp Ref : NAD 1983 CSRS MTM  9

|       OID_    Fr_pnt    To_pnt    CW_CCW    Part_ID    Bit_ID  
 000      1         0         7         1          1         0
 001      1         7        11         0          1         1
 002      2        11        19         1          1         0
 003      3        19        25         1          1         0
 004      4        25        30         1          1         0
 005      5        30        36         1          1         0
 006      5        36        40         0          1         1
 007      6        40        46         1          1         0
 008      6        46        50         0          1         1
 009      9        50        55         1          1         0

The similarities and differences between the Geo array and the base ndarray is ascribed to the geo_info method.

All common properties can be determined using npg.dirr while the output from npg.geo_info is subdivided into the properties and methods specific to a geo array, their base and special properties.


Geo methods and properties.
    Bit, CW, FT, Fr, H, IDs, IFT, IFT_str, IP, Info, K, LL, N, PID, SR, SVG, To, U,
    UR, X, XT, XY, Y, Z, __author__, __dict__, __module__, __name__, aoi_extent,
    aoi_rectangle, areas, as_arrays, as_lists, bit_IFT, bit_ids, bit_pnt_cnt,
    bit_seq, bits, boundary, bounding_circles, centers, centroids, change_indices,
    close_polylines, common_segments, convex_hulls, densify_by_distance,
    densify_by_factor, densify_by_percent, dupl_pnts, extent_centers,
    extent_corner, extent_pnts, extent_rectangles, extents, fill_holes, first_bit,
    first_part, fr_to_pnts, geo_info, geom_check, get_shapes, holes_to_shape, info,
    inner_IFT, inner_rings, is_clockwise, is_convex, is_in, is_multipart,
    is_multipart_report, lengths, maxs, means, min_area_rect, mins, moveto,
    multipart_to_singlepart, od_pairs, outer_IFT, outer_rings, part_IFT, part_ids,
    parts, pnt_counts, pnt_ids, pnt_indices, pnt_on_poly, polygon_angles,
    polygons_to_polylines, polyline_angles, polylines_to_polygons, polys_to_points,
    prn, prn_obj, radial_sort, roll_shapes, rotate, segment_angles,
    segment_pnt_ids, segment_polys, shapes, shift, shp_IFT, shp_ids, shp_part_cnt,
    shp_pnt_cnt, shp_pnt_ids, sort_by_area, sort_by_extent, sort_by_length,
    sort_coords, split_by, structure, svg, to_segments, translate, triangulate,
    uniq_pnts, unique_segments, xy_id

Another useful method for documentation purposes is structure. It is largely a look at the IFT in verbose format.

g.structure()  # provide structural information and the IFT in verbose format

Geo array structure
OID_    : self.Id   shape id
Fr_pnt  : self.Fr   from point id
To_pnt  : self.To   to point id for a shape
CW_CCW  : self.CW   outer (1) inner/hole (0)
Part_ID : self.PID  part id for each shape
Bit_ID  : self.Bit  sequence order of each part in a shape

|      OID_    Fr_pnt    To_pnt    CW_CCW    Part_ID    Bit_ID  
 000      1         0         7         1          1         0
 001      1         7        11         0          1         1
 002      2        11        19         1          1         0
 003      3        19        25         1          1         0
 004      4        25        30         1          1         0
 005      5        30        36         1          1         0
 006      5        36        40         0          1         1
 007      6        40        46         1          1         0
 008      6        46        50         0          1         1
 009      9        50        55         1          1         0

A number of properties and methods can be examined in the code section.

Geo base properties.
    Bit, CW, FT, Fr, IDs, IFT, IP, Info, K, LL, N, PID, SR, SVG, To, U, UR, X, XT,
    XY, Y, Z

Geo special.
    __array_finalize__, __array_wrap__, __doc__, __new__