NumPy Geometry

Working with geometry using numpy.

Maintained by Dan-Patterson

npGeom Tools

The following tools are implemented in the npGeom.tbx toolbox for use in ArcGIS Pro.

The Geo array, based on a numpy array, is used along with arcpy functions to implement the tools.

The tools here are the most recent version of those provided in FreeTools

(1) Attribute tools

The tools are self-evident and don't include multiple options.

(2) Containers

The containers toolset offers the options shown in the image.

(3) Conversion

The options for conversion are as follows:

The reciprocal function was not implemented because I didn't want to provide a whole load of geometry checks.

If you have polyline geometry that you know will create well-formed polygons, simply change K.

(4) Sort Geometry

(5) Alter Geometry

The tool listing provides densification options, filling holes in polygons, and shifting and rotating geometries either as a group or individually.

(6) Triangulation Tools

Voronoi diagram (aka Thiessen polygons) and Delaunay triangulations, round out the tools so far.